Data Project Persistent Identifier
doi:10.5064/F6BUAX58 |
Publication Date
2018-06-13 |
| Energy democracy in northeastern North America |
| Burke, MatthewQDR IDP0000-0003-0620-3960 |
Point of Contact
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Burke, Matthew (QDR IDP) |
| The data project has been initiated for research on energy democracy initiatives (EDI) and their transition narratives, and more broadly on social-ecological-technical systems related to renewable energy transition in the region of northeastern North America to strengthen initiative-based practice and learning and support diverse and participatory analytical approaches. Documentation and metadata for this research include contextual information about the study, research methods used, variable definitions, units of analysis, format and file type of the data, a description of the data capture and collection methods, data source inventory, explanation of data coding and analysis performed and details of who has worked on the project and performed each task. A Methods and Data Management Plan is used to organize the documentation and metadata needed to support this research. |
| Social Sciences; Other |
| energy democracy, renewable energy, transition narratives, transition pathways, social transformation, social movements, sociotechnical imaginaries |
Time Period
| Start Date: 2013; End Date: 2017 |
Date of Data Collection
| Start Date: 2017-08-15; End Date: 2017-10-08 |
Types of Data
| survey data; web sources (other) |
Geographic Coverage
| Canada New Brunswick
Canada Nova Scotia
Canada Ontario
Canada Prince Edward Island
Canada Quebec
United States Connecticut
United States Maine
United States Massachusetts
United States New Hampshire
United States New York
United States Rhode Island
United States Vermont |
Geographic Unit
| Region of Northeastern North America |
Related Publication
| Burke, M. J. (2018). Shared yet Contested: Energy Democracy Counter-narratives. Front. Commun. - Science and Environmental Communication. 3:22. doi 10.3389/fcomm.2018.00022 |
| Update Notes for Version 2.0
Version 2.0 is a QDR-administered technical update. Files have been reprocessed to improve digital accessibility; the content of materials remains unaltered. |
| English |
| Researcher: Burke, Matthew J.
Supervisor: Stephens, Jennie C.
Supervisor: Brown, Peter G. |
Funding Information
| This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. |
Related Material
| Text data were collected as PDF sources using NCapture within NVivo. |
Data Source
| Text data were derived from publicly-available sources including website content, archival records and documents including annual reports, media reports. Primary source data were derived directly from the organization or program (e.g., the organizational website or annual report) and secondary source data were derived from an organization or outlet independent from the initiative (e.g., a media report or website of an organization broadly advocating for energy democracy). |
Origin of Historical Sources
| Organizations or programs identified as energy democracy initiatives in northeastern North America: Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE); Confédération des syndicats nationaux, Québec (CSN); Co-op Power; Coule Pas Chez Nous; New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF); New York Energy Democracy Alliance (EDA); The Leap;; and Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED). |
Documentation and Access to Sources
| All text source data files are listed within an inventory of text source data files. Each unique text data source is listed individually, including date of collection, web browser used, location of source (i.e., web link and permanent link), file name, and notes regarding translation where applicable. File name = |
| NVivo (QSR International), Version: 11 Pro |
| Burke, Matthew J. (Department of Natural Resource Sciences and McGill School of Environment, McGill University, Economics for the Anthropocene program) |
Production Date
| 2017-11-14 |
Production Location
| McGill University, Macdonald campus, 21111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Québec, Canada |
| Qualitative Data Repository (Syracuse University) (QDR) |
| Burke, Matthew |
Deposit Date
| 2018-03-28 |