Materials and documentation for "Developing Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Ability to Facilitate Goal-Oriented Discussions in Science and Mathematics via the Use of Simulated Classroom Interactions"

The materials shared here were created by Educational Testing Service and Mursion, who developed, piloted, and collected validity evidence to support a set of performance-based tasks delivered within a simulated classroom environment in order to improve pre-service elementary teachers’ ability to orchestrate discussions.

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1 to 10 of 645 Results
Mar 26, 2021
Mikeska, Jamie; Howell, Heather; Ciofalo, Joseph; Devitt, Adam; Orlandi, Elizabeth; King, Kenneth; Lipari, Michelle; Simonelli, Glenn. 2021. "S1 Mystery Powder Science Elementary Task". Qualitative Data Repository. GO Discuss. V2
Project Overview In this four-year project called Developing Preservice Elementary Teachers' Ability to Facilitate Goal-Oriented Discussions in Science and Mathematics via the Use of Simulated Classroom Interactions (GO Discuss), Educational Testing Service and Mursion developed, piloted, and validated a set of performance-based tasks delivered wit...
MS Word - 62.9 KB - SHA512: 02ff84c65297987fdebfbe4ec2b703299d076c74b3c84d1520ad814400667def8af6b7b6bbb23a782f29cf253526b082346cccac113b3d3a19c733db3728254a
Master score notes for task-specific video example of low-scoring performance
MS Word - 63.6 KB - SHA512: 8ff82b23610b8f09c3901533aba3779433b31c56f9e03023c846b9e085e6a504440a259dc818b3e9ecdeb4849f1e7578f73b60db9bc6f06b7e185f81a32e5e1b
Master score notes for task-specific video example of mid-scoring performance
MS Word - 63.9 KB - SHA512: fd2a23bc694127a3c7bdc6ecb6a2d655c34ef172116fbf6f494b939a3bd432c13be77a945b13b95efaf61d83710410fb2f3e8ca7a850611006fcd52d847a366d
Master score notes for task-specific video example of high-scoring performance
MS Word - 66.7 KB - SHA512: 5d3e26a1bb8a46062b88bec6312ae57135b6d327a69a7d5d1f9acb896895c2f7a74461611a6603eee6fdb7d4799d1f425563451ce8cd1f78a77afa477b387ee5
Master score notes for task-specific video example of high-scoring performance
Mar 17, 2021
Howell, Heather; Mikeska, Jamie; Tierney, Jessica; Baehr, Benjamin; Lehman, Penny. 2021. "M1 Ordering Fractions Elementary Mathematics Task". Qualitative Data Repository. GO Discuss. V1
Project Overview In this four-year project called Developing Preservice Elementary Teachers' Ability to Facilitate Goal-Oriented Discussions in Science and Mathematics via the Use of Simulated Classroom Interactions (GO Discuss), Educational Testing Service and Mursion developed, piloted, and validated a set of performance-based tasks delivered wit...
Tabular Data - 4.8 KB - 7 Variables, 65 Observations - UNF:6:7en47qItbWaEHFCAxV7UAA==
Tabular Data - 1.5 KB - 4 Variables, 18 Observations - UNF:6:nIGPzAL1JLQw0b7aQ7z+Bg==
Log of M1 files
Tabular Data - 3.2 KB - 7 Variables, 50 Observations - UNF:6:VE4x0D5vM2yDuEN+xvjufg==
Log of simulation specialist training files, by task
MS Word - 964.7 KB - SHA512: 75d309ac9ce96fea091776ee1e8bf005e4ba0eb2350ff9a93e78d2336357a7465adb116b0db4d8ac532bf25be0414de40eeef12df6410670616ee48e3cb37707
Candidate materials Word document
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