This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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11 to 20 of 2,113 Results
MP3 Audio - 23.3 MB - SHA512: 55809d7de473ee0862a10584903c8e4dad3f1cb699c484b9c0cb16613d9d1853a05f5a61ddb5beeae46816bfaa005cb793a589c4b831e78bd435e678bff0c37a
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.5 MB - SHA512: 0fdffd8c09df1d27e3dd380bc4b23128512c571c626c5fa468f95bb0aaa34c16f79bf23521e87826caf167e29b13fe5446eee84e3575faeb7bf7c45b653e3b8a
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.3 MB - SHA512: 243d712ebac2d3855b3d5c3e2cf18e2eb30d335b56f7e7a79c0ebcad1cf330e3ab6d582e99e10c41ec6d8cfaefdfddb7bb01ff29eb48ff570219781e6c6aaec1
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.2 MB - SHA512: 59b701691eee058a41a33fb7afe24859e9610b7b6c1ecefed0286e342de0482f3e01fef70c13ecac95a058efce8e2d69c7805e2bebd1a5f57eae6e1106640895
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.2 MB - SHA512: 8534159f277db5789bfc6a7054cf487663275c04629cf30aca8984b8e25c1037617a2de13e8ec78a60ce7b65d14ffaeb7289d9bb32d632d884c45eb3ebed4031
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 22.8 MB - SHA512: e527955719370ff8fdb243af9745ba72eedebffec9b99bc9c518d6f46f283417098122ae40d35c4bf7f350b65a11cf747e6739a0e5f7d5b6ce544229796161ae
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.1 MB - SHA512: e4f65ece1fe47b1400e4ccb0f08ab65e3a7d5d8bc213285ff0443ed448e14853de0094e2351bd3352dd767428a2d8e158961f8ed7db96102110f0268099c50db
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 22.7 MB - SHA512: eb859a8b19b17bcd5ef53aa29049711cb3fff7b2b2e7dceced6b38b72339dcf450afe05591df7e9125b05b8b9ea99e49a3909826a3f784d3b075bdcdc4430b03
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 22.5 MB - SHA512: dc0f41e6517a3a8f9b858a22ffad12e4ef1a640eab85539b67df4c455e1c79dfeb3b5e081fd26a31e7946508695427d90acce966d257ab57db55df131e92292a
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.1 MB - SHA512: 091c18bc5f63f7a6082ec17e2293cf368163ac9de12aeb7211653845432a9599b001805272764d5349c2af8b230647932007caf76890caf6b9a5515957cb337a
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
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