This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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21 to 30 of 2,113 Results
MP3 Audio - 11.2 MB - SHA512: 7efca525cb70aa787aadf14aef5fa950274299e2de41156d958e750955fd870851815eb86b0aefe626f17c36de42917d1065438e943d0a4f74ad59f125043404
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 22.9 MB - SHA512: 1700166716ecf5e034f6df2b4d443630d6bc69b5adca69267320ba40e82651c5572827a3b3ba47913520b2d1c59fc95e6410723dde0a650de9c3cbb273cbfeee
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.4 MB - SHA512: abddb437aeaea2424074517ef476494b944a66ff9fac8cbe068beff73a31fcb1b90168f9aad535453936abdec8474eada35c29c104f367ae990f9258f44f825d
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 21.9 MB - SHA512: 901d1acdba0abd2928614e8e6c8da3ea605ac6e2727c9192d416ed0feb6a615bb457b96f07b323187d0194886b1a67eb062db6eb84aa28ee684e0cb9672c66d1
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 23.3 MB - SHA512: 456355302d03630ea4d935ad3ee6bc33ced77a4cfa1ae81e7e491cf53a15d81fae22634f71f863e2f775021e09234cfb4e0b55eada9bbb4745f36acd95b9f3c2
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 22.4 MB - SHA512: 8fdef11ddc40cb5cc4b6a108a16f75b55abed32c12930181b86fe97874625a568f7ada39db489d75438859241e57632d55667360ee01f45b12f61306d0d58ac9
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 14.8 MB - SHA512: 001c3e40be87c2b89cc36c308be6c96db482989b53c0248e018c5245f2f69568fae101acadd25c1f733b70885c44c6e0b276ac948d990d7d5f9a5ec09edc3956
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
MP3 Audio - 22.8 MB - SHA512: 87a2de41c3aa09a85e9741a3c111d356aab7d026e5a4f316a4d27c129aa22b865d0ac388f737130565c1a92a47a28254d0bc0ea99aef2d21dcc2d6009732fa43
Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138a: Nineteenth Century International Politics. To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus.
Adobe PDF - 262.0 KB - SHA512: f932f17eb72fced2e3679992b019b09255e30a88100b45c11f0e3404855c6d2014271f4665bd6993a1221f1902ed56942330cbcf479d051233ab1353a2c1aa8b
Outlines of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics; Although this list is for 2014, the course had the same structure in 2012, 2013 and 2014
Adobe PDF - 95.9 KB - SHA512: 490ae389fbfaa8199c99d096f1d7702a78155e006aebc79e947f979296dfad7e3eba4979047fecf3a176f7019f8030543a22a0f69956684efa688d89d80a9650
Syllabus for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014); The syllabus remained much the same for all four of the years covered here
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