This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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2,111 to 2,113 of 2,113 Results
Adobe PDF - 151.5 KB - SHA512: 63b65a18c2057710f836abe14b17c363c0b1cc5b8775115beec5f789db2e44d1f39b9b53033bae74997ff0fccad0a9658188a6cb254760419779ab1308118f19
Appendix Seven (Chapter Nine, Note 122); U.S. Arms Control Policy under Eisenhower
Adobe PDF - 232.8 KB - SHA512: 03ea6a832274c0184e5a3858bc0aa8ad1ddc17301149bb030e7f6d6abe7c866450da275ed8f75b672e9c64631d065d00068357d57c5fcd47d2bf0e64413ff451
Appendix Eight (Chapter Nine, Note 134); Kennedy and the Israeli Nuclear Program
Tabular Data - 1.9 KB - 4 Variables, 15 Observations - UNF:6:M/u+3nbSx0PtURlLzr8sIA==
This documentation file provides a list and description of all documents in the data project, as well as the original and archived URLs for the corresponding web pages.
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