This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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31 to 40 of 2,113 Results
MP3 Audio - 18.8 MB - SHA512: c91ddbcd1a3424592e6e26c855b14b8f8605960db098b3804d5cb816d95714afec499a9e94cfd5b5beb742459d03c734a065fa47e80879b422ad80d5b267478c
Intro. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 45.3 MB - SHA512: 4d6624a98ab4ec7b70a1a57d54216e6a3b82dc259e52bb18bdded1bceb929555475d8604479c6e4a6211cf5c5aace9722706ff45733e67df2e962cb1a28d1faf
Origins of the First World War. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 22.5 MB - SHA512: 67cc05397680fafb348b41e47a691348c5a48d59fe34cfaec9a1f9143a5494ecb9a292c0b21252579cbdba9ff7b572e2b6427b3de9e338f27b27f757c200e38f
July Crisis.Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 22.3 MB - SHA512: 6f85ff670a659a01536edb20755972d45ca54bacc3b909a97115530caae34d78fbcfd6abd101a4e53a521d31f2e9a66895639550d048d6b635c8f0d6e226be60
First World War. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 22.8 MB - SHA512: 94a2e7e36b8565f72695150ee7e04d6cbc18c4dbf994e63dac899b9902f8f975bb5961f7a2afb95fe4aa79e2707aca22abbcd88c3eb814339720a8f12d885acf
Paris Peace Conference (I).Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 23.0 MB - SHA512: 0e915641c293c9706003b0f4b2a8f827d2000db5db7516a140ac485823b411fe2af36dc021acc03f88bb0eb344959c4a65975b9ff6262dfaf66f2dd7f1b16c09
Paris Peace Conference (II).Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 45.4 MB - SHA512: 5be394d357bd096f19b71d0e82afee68f0aa866ef11462d6beb0c4e335a58e450e2077fafd8bf9fe8909cc855ec1bca4c53bca7f73e1768ad5c13b22417b87d7
1919-1923. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 8.3 MB - SHA512: b0d94e5d1ea76dca70bb2de33750f1f2ce06974a522e5d4d961ca77bb530a8752d48e50fee1c6e889b69531cadebb68ed3bd3e201f0bba7809330d9f3c4cdaee
1923-1932. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 46.3 MB - SHA512: 0dee18efed1723ea66f4fc48bc6fd110740f8804510682766dba54577e6e1bc1b287b7fff718958ee30124bd2b0e4fe6df42575ca3111d3df608b6221fb3d039
1933-1936. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 22.4 MB - SHA512: ccc4594727c2c37cd33b250e9eeb90cf35a4e92977544cbbc71cb630f932305aa314daac0ea436ed4997f4aa34539e2b56a86ff67079c5a603c74ebecf10d556
1936-1939. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
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