This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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41 to 50 of 2,113 Results
MP3 Audio - 23.6 MB - SHA512: 8c4ee837b14b1b387891ec446e4d53133a6ce0146fb1e843fc3c2705a39bab818728add6dcb451616a39673f76a41ad5bfe7076ad2a6b421c1be6455caaca932
Taylor. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 31.6 MB - SHA512: c1cb75f714d0fdfe9868cc164e5f570edeb1262854a24adfadd38ec153f58f83979e29e1ec17f83f963ac53d04faed5c418864982087d334d12cfe7758536336
1939-1941. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 23.5 MB - SHA512: 28dd467ac96884a6a0436bcc4141c02947b012429ff32f83f7cf431e2fb9b09ea85c319aac8b90cb284e8b18f468379746181475041a7db3f894d0f32cebb949
1941. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 29.3 MB - SHA512: 7cf1d991185f91e3c8e659ef0606006f7bae1581b5673d7955550b549680b5edbe1ac1723a59f10b3dcbfce8e95747170704ddabbdc9060a39b4cb035ffde82c
1945. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 28.5 MB - SHA512: 51040286f9483e2fa4b957d6b6cf54c8549632395de7a6baa00f8f206b0d391abba7e1df736ab8b1f892e4413664ea2780ba938412759dd875e4f71f103a6a83
1946-1947. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 31.6 MB - SHA512: 892c73dd9649eeb618d98e22b1c40bcdd40e69cd0cdc50c839cf117eb51da6c125e1215f4d4d0356503aecabfc6c48167a38cf7e3cd1d217ce7a9f6393d7ce19
1948-1949 (I). Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 31.5 MB - SHA512: 3b68f05040d263bb0ebcd485910b13cff3c68d5c29228dd218fc5d0b1236c73084fad77ee50d93151e1efff90492a193a0704007ae238baf7ce90c1caa504396
1948-1949 (II). Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 37.5 MB - SHA512: b47c4052a73d0d6b79a966be91c50d14e7ada095432a787aeb3b029c0a05bcce1fd9fff12d79b90188c25a20edeafa4d2daa4be6bb3c090ab699e3e85183a679
1945-1954. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 28.5 MB - SHA512: 7f2f80e9253c1f427037ea757ed0ed0cc36032f18cac0474ae7665325890246b15207ac56799d934ad9f8193cef6f413000ae1b6a1ed3435aa48771949ec8c3f
1954. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 28.4 MB - SHA512: 18182008fa64365898462255174346474919b7c15166584c8f499c8f56a7e5ed2721e0eedfa4aaedfb626682d0de08b669aa1bc9288f3b9e4e80991eae9b86ae
1953-1958. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
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