This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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51 to 60 of 2,113 Results
MP3 Audio - 46.5 MB - SHA512: f4bf8564420f4ea6ca07d8ea63c1bd0d702b018169d5df63adaa9818c39b26e3060ff54e3d52eb77ee45187f43e68ebf56562eed83ec4d049b913a96100c47ab
Nuclear Sharing. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 28.5 MB - SHA512: 8d939f85a5906715402cd66651b557bc476694d5670fc74ad243a0f8b83549236581a901a8d9d85db2c5e18992fd852af358464f368b56c52f0986bb724c36a5
1961-1962. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 23.0 MB - SHA512: 15b312cf2f9731d0247c34ff940fd62d2d0cbbe5273474ee8a7296407445b5666d395221a3ad4e4e901c5df69d65ce3e7ba55d0c204cdd2c10ac6a3318a025b0
1962-1963. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 23.3 MB - SHA512: 3d9855521ee11297e54027c71b07bd34606a25cef20d5c729d0c5880c79a7ff4b0a5d01dba853bb922d4d8e8c0857300686813953e77873bc72edb5e0f4dfc83
1963-1975. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 22.9 MB - SHA512: 6ca6fc4db65d2fda6e1d8863894d0b838bd2f9c60a5b3df990ed63a5285fe4fea3e1d31d450fd008c7c64b9977fcd1e31aa65a7ca8c99b4383a7ec589fe29bca
1963-1991. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
MP3 Audio - 29.7 MB - SHA512: b465a39ed9d19aa1625dc9c97dff7d9709d5d13a64c982271f1a9ee9cedd5baef2172600ddd575533fefd3fd5f0652bd730f1c763954215d02f9a19b81d8fb84
Conclusion. Tapes of Lectures for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics (2014). To get a sense for what each lecture covers, consult the syllabus and the outlines.
Adobe PDF - 120.3 KB - SHA512: 745d02e9cd5dfc94d19d1bb21b384344f2e28cec0700a2a3716cede5a6e13ded3225579146371c4eb6a1400fecce5e8893382c4b74a0928b89deb72b97f9535f
Term paper prompt for Political Science 138b: Twentieth Century International Politics
Adobe PDF - 118.1 KB - SHA512: d07309f6bf38b51cc9ba38123e3420a4682a30e902864c70ce835aa31e68b57b48e1a35bc19f120305190b296a079727f66f7017c5604b231e3cf9b35849fc06
Prompt for first paper (U.S. policy on Iranian nuclear question) for Political Science 120b: The World after 9/11
Adobe PDF - 136.9 KB - SHA512: 7770f18ec0a7d115a047f49b80b704544855fbfea414cc8caf84a22e163ee9b4c3af6fd98d6a03add689f3e013ce900b044a69f9ea737e6c54542ba4a8d068f9
Model submission for first paper (U.S. policy on Iranian nuclear question) for Political Science 120b: The World after 9/11
MPEG-4 Video - 175.8 MB - SHA512: 9f646eb710e956ad77a02c39892baff37570080f1371fa3b15b3cf01203cf6b302b08721059fbaa5a992db8e29bb280d9d04dc70ec08b8edff070e585f7a3bf0
Video file, John Mearsheimer, “The Future of U.S.-Chinese Relations” (Berkeley, Apr. 2002)
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