This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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61 to 70 of 2,113 Results
Adobe PDF - 106.5 KB - SHA512: c6f1ea516da3b0b60be24300400b846d81c7a553031e1587434ffac8288a9c66639d0a54c6c247edbdc728317e5f9b458cc9f697452c0d115612f507d44aa202
Prompt for second paper (North Korean nuclear question) for Political Science 120b: The World after 9/11
Adobe PDF - 88.5 KB - SHA512: 7a6b43e80d228c38a0d1c992d63cafc958a13889b9f3bd1ee21c32e3b579bcf3b48dce1d7ca7ad7a804df9a81e820e6205fe27592dbc3423e3d09264d3ab89df
Model submission for second paper (North Korean nuclear question) for Political Science 120b: The World after 9/11
Adobe PDF - 156.1 KB - SHA512: ea30219ab0d3c3b48a17416abc0cf95beb949cf99ef3f752428925c153364c7c4dc8ab4169e30cfb37b4c9685cae8bb48439c87e5f6a020de24b59d3dd3eb10d
Syllabus for Political Science 120b: The World after 9/11 (2009)
Adobe PDF - 181.9 KB - SHA512: 045470646357ad8b5e78dcbaec588a608f8d6c20fdce771ee089e5433522868c91b35f23318d35e6d9c98c4d096e47980e9c4c82c01662e83ec701456f98a30a
Guide for final paper (example) for Political Science 120b: The World after 9/11
MPEG-4 Video - 176.1 MB - SHA512: b6700a6e3557150b21247fbd9286356e776fa6bcc744882a615072f264ae0a50e0fd1de3c424a2cf456e9863723caf75657f4ba12525ec386ef7638cf687ce9b
Video file, Kenneth Waltz, “Alone in the World” (Berkeley, Feb. 2003)
Adobe PDF - 83.3 KB - SHA512: 397849b460074d57c07c19d65621b4e18e8ba70aed19a79a7b1742211a0857186d3194760ae6861fa1b73377a02f25baed418f8beb3b86540021eaab61a2b67e
List of paper topics for Political Science 220b: Core Seminar in International Relations (2015, 2nd quarter of core sequence for first year graduate students)
Adobe PDF - 130.4 KB - SHA512: 856416fb16ec74cf60570e1eea043ec6f6b1e1f757bf8de33ece7d4a84b916fe230b194e162e9e22e6f4ef50e7f150d6083b146aeaa0e200c767e0d5e1202779
Syllabus for Political Science 220b: Core Seminar in International Relations (2015, 2nd quarter of core sequence for first year graduate students)
Adobe PDF - 58.1 KB - SHA512: efb507077eb33f28b87a165e1119ecd9f429314f0748d4a19f0b864b48155a8040e64de1b49793436eac1d17928dffeef8b4087c912cc760412c9403743bc5e6
First Assignment, Seminar on the July Crisis
Adobe PDF - 61.0 KB - SHA512: d346d6e21f46c5142b8e00c92689fd967f2db0bbe498ba4bce89f97d22d4f5ff6e05a7da59610cb78c28e61f24428907bd8d183e00ef0877f5ad1b751e931e68
Second Assignment, Seminar on the July Crisis
Adobe PDF - 53.7 KB - SHA512: 265d2293d7d001fb9dc74e36ec72b82647d49a5750a534ad5fa093fdf826fafc27aea1f2844df0e2f823eab4a340dc6186f09708c9e9613509bea0f84fa45fcf
Third Assignment, Seminar on the July Crisis
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