This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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81 to 90 of 2,113 Results
Adobe PDF - 241.4 KB - SHA512: 03535ad9f6327f6114e6282524d1833f755d7b8dc595390cfe149617d2afaf36707545f05b1c3b031525272062ac9982787d9c72c73caa6ab6490691fedbfeef
Extract from the record of the Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting at Vienna, June 4, 1961
Adobe PDF - 712.7 KB - SHA512: 2d9712b46a7807946b098ed0f9c636c54064d0dd836f5126e3ced086142fb82700dc27bf5798b03b42798289a16552b4cc29284f8d023d54ec809eba9a18702a
Extract from the notes of a meeting between Kennedy, Macmillan and other officials, at Nassau, December 19, 1962, 9:50 a.m.
Tabular Data - 25.4 KB - 4 Variables, 87 Observations - UNF:6:FqeMQ2GXD41rf8y1+UpWwA==
This documentation file provides a list and description of all documents in the data project, as well as the original and archived URLs for the corresponding web pages when available.
Adobe PDF - 120.2 KB - SHA512: 3cf242b73c61d648146072a055b4aab35e54ac9fd58dda79db453261a8d40ec20db4399b01799763d603bcf4a071fa18edac0c7eea3ff6da2fce5ee496f4e060
Overview of "A practial guide to doing Cold War history"
Adobe PDF - 207.5 KB - SHA512: 5aa9d8d6675d6d3a2d2be12d71b64f57b5d5d69b2c998c3e11cbea27572ab26a105b3aa6749da465be672e53593795aba93355c545f49cadd41b66a8cc60f35a
Practical Guide Part I: Defining Your Project
Adobe PDF - 270.5 KB - SHA512: 593593e3064e0b1540e59669fbc4a7024c398ce51c2fc18b049eaacb8b8834f70d70614d790756e2150d39bfa2525a5940e7e2ad64b93b4f78012ee2ec3c58e0
Practical Guide Part II: The Literature Search (2004 version)
Adobe PDF - 476.1 KB - SHA512: 0f13f77eb0cd6a61f7236b91a7491e29a2204e20e94f533681b1523d09b823b7d9f7cdffb2a93b310c83939f89cf6d14c73dee66d1c1cb29d47a40ee0cd9d325
Practical Guide Part II: The Literature Search (2006 version, updated in 2019); Appendix I to The Craft of International History
Adobe PDF - 603.3 KB - SHA512: 05418eaf98b64edf2cecb43a72b88aa1e347a8b2eb1bf44405b134bfe3827d212762a1bc40e8acf6eec9e5e81d6e26d95645047cb57cd7540afda3246d0808e7
Practical Guide Part III: Primary Source Research (2004 version, updated in 2007)
Adobe PDF - 1.1 MB - SHA512: 5619cc0c844935c8e30a506a1904852eb379ae08be5106bb310e1ef6a3b264ceac85d1f9ccf0b01f690f560927f4607fc0a011e852f963065e5a09f000d34358
Practical Guide Part III: Primary Source Research (2006 version, updated in 2019); Appendix II to The Craft of International History
Adobe PDF - 192.3 KB - SHA512: e26f6e6d959b4d191de095df3e84c66314d6e25c073a02dc152a0b57acc9341755654aa4360bb37627229aafc1a74b418487e07d7bf56cedb429a9fdd189299b
Practical Guide Part IV: From Gathering Documents to Beginning to Write
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