This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).

It includes five data projects. The three Cold War Documents projects contain archival data, whereas the remainder contain the appendices to A Constructed Peace and a broader collection of pedagogical materials.

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71 to 80 of 2,113 Results
Adobe PDF - 37.6 KB - SHA512: 703f6122c35e5ee9df30510a6527939615c8716deb5c017b7a1eb8c96733bd7e97f223a858da47b9cdd2c5c46bd1466d2214bb3a58583ed29e227d9ec96e7ec3
Fourth Assignment, Seminar on the July Crisis
Adobe PDF - 59.6 KB - SHA512: edd464b0a71b468434fa62baf4d163c7cd344903ea6ecbd863ebae93dd36504a30c3ef3e657fbedbbdb48ae8298daeff1eadb4a13e29ad0b53a421c461a8a567
Fifth Assignment, Seminar on the July Crisis
Adobe PDF - 37.2 KB - SHA512: a2aa15e4fcdacbb205de314bc329938f8231ba1e40e517a508389dc64af695598ce29844f8e3f64492f9af900229003a97c55e96d796ae1f8bb04370a4d6aeb1
Sixth Assignment, Seminar on the July Crisis
Adobe PDF - 105.5 KB - SHA512: 7c3d9938b4e44c5ff1b0a6ff12302ec646846b01bf5820a32b0839f412cddb2baed1233b0e2a24b087cf2afa3d8081738c6fbee4633af4dcab2a3ced1c1e2f94
List of readings, Seminar on the July Crisis (course taught at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1990s)
Adobe PDF - 473.4 KB - SHA512: 7d0ad7644932fb800674e5a5a550d53e0dac54ce264f352a6555b9de9558b75d772d4d2f57320c14546bfc4fca98794e60ebd8eed99cb2b409ed04387754bef1
Discussion and guide to declassification analysis, including a list of examples
Tabular Data - 15.5 KB - 3 Variables, 103 Observations - UNF:6:+TpqE0dvRezr1Jry6Iqr0g==
List of additional files for declassification analysis located in "United States Cold War Documents"
Adobe PDF - 624.9 KB - SHA512: 2e061c877278bd98419c054c4f58c4e867c4a98d4a0cc149ebac4aae263e15d92dfab5f9285f3f84c1e40b7bc38e48cda8433382ce469c35f6a74d66650378a4
Extract from the Forrestal Diary, entry for July 28, 1945
Adobe PDF - 258.3 KB - SHA512: 9c76d5cfbaec16cfb9e9e154e7fc19d9d895b721c4f228f0b8716c13100077ce3dccc93f3863fc0b50b46443a13838b6367edb32f2b81bf0b6a51e8451c17129
Two Extracts from the record of a meeting between Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and German Foreign Minister Heinrich von Brentano, November 21, 1957
Adobe PDF - 194.6 KB - SHA512: 7e5735cb6018b06991e47ee7518842d45394f6f3e311f04b4eda5efde49569b8ddec9dbe48cb9a5aaf0a016b2f6814735c30ef8b288280fc60d090c2dd2fa4e8
Extracts from the Bowie Report, "The North Atlantic Nations: Tasks for the 1960's," of August 1960
Adobe PDF - 167.8 KB - SHA512: 6d66bcb731ccad4790dc9f0a13e4eb29ab9a905c04b4cb7e8165ec28abc56ffa9f3efb462d004c0b5244e7795f1e622af7696757c515661d66f3469643623bfe
Extract from Eisenhower-Spaak meeting, October 4, 1960
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